[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 5: Sessions 1–6 – Test Pinoy (2025)

We have compiled all the test answers to LETRS Unit 5 Sessions 1–6 so you can ace this exam with no problem at all.

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Unit 5

Session 1

Question 1: Recognizing the meaning of a partially known word in context is an example of:
Answer: d. receptive vocabulary

Question 2: A developed vocabulary in preschoolers predicts better reading comprehension in third grade.
Answer: True

Question 3: About how many words should be taught in depth per week in the primary grades?
Answer: 10

Question 4: Every word a student is exposed to is stored in both the phonological and semantic lexicons.
Answer: False

Question 5: Which of these statements are true? (Select all that apply.)
Answer: a. It is impossible to measure the exact size of a person’s vocabulary. c. The average student entering kindergarten knows about 4,000 words. d. In the primary grades, about 10 words per week can be taught in-depth.

Session 2

Question 1: Deep knowledge of a word’s meaning may include personal associations triggered by the word.
Answer: True

Question 2: The internal associations of the dimensions of word knowledge are also known as:
Answer: a semantic map

Question 3: Which of the following can help students establish high-quality mental connections in memory as they learn words? Select all that apply.
Answer: placing students in a language-rich environment, reading aloud to students, and explicitly teaching selected words

Question 4: Techniques for enhancing interactive book reading include (select all that apply)
Answer: using props to introduce new words, using words students know when defining a new word and elaborating on student responses

Question 5: Which test may be used for both screening and progress monitoring of vocabulary?
Answer: Acadience® Learning K-6 Word Use Fluency subtest

Session 3

Question 1: Which of the following are good criteria for selecting Tier 2 words to teach in-depth? Select all that apply.
Answer: words that students are likely to encounter in other readings; words that are central to the meaning of the passage

Question 2: Word lists are an ideal method for selecting vocabulary to teach students.
Answer: False

Question 3: EL’s need for vocabulary instruction may differ from native speakers because (select all that apply).
Answer: they may be unfamiliar with the meanings of Tier 1 words; they may need explicit interpretation of figurative language.

Question 4: Inhibiting students’ use of their native language is counterproductive to developing proficiency in English.
Answer: True

Question 4: Low-frequency words that pertain to a specific area of study would be considered:
Answer: Tier 3

Session 4

Question 1: When introducing new words for in-depth instruction, it’s best to do it in writing before using the words orally.
Answer: False

Question 2: After explaining the meaning of a new word to students, the next step should be to:
Answer: b. give examples of how to use the word in context.

Question 3: Useful adaptations of word instruction for English Learners (ELs) include (select all that apply):
Answer: a. adding emphasis on potential phonological confusions. b. having students repeat simple sentences using the word. c. adding references to a cognate.

Question 4: Explicit vocabulary instruction includes which of the following? Select all that apply.
Answer: b. explaining the new word’s meaning using a student-friendly definition c. using visual prompts or actions to clarify the word’s meaning

Question 5: The instruction “Tell your partner about a time you acted responsibly” is an example of:
Answer: c. eliciting word use.

Session 5

Question 1: Most of the oldest words used in English do not have multiple meanings.
Answer: False

Question 2: What is the main focus of classification activities?
Answer: c. ensuring students understand the relationships among the words included

Question 3: Which of the following sets of words might best lend itself to a semantic feature analysis? Select all that apply.
Answer: b. mammals, insects, birds, reptiles c. ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans

Question 4: A student sentence that includes a complete definition of the word snow could look like:
Answer: c. “It’s frozen water that comes down like flakes.”

Question 5: Words that express the degrees of meaning between each other are called:
Answer: gradable antonyms

Session 6

Question 1: The way teachers use language has a direct effect on students’ vocabulary growth.
Answer: True

Question 2: Which of the following is not an effective way to encourage richer language in the classroom?
Answer: Provide dictionaries for students to keep at their desks

Question 3: Strategies encouraging independent word learning include (select all that apply).
Answer: directly teaching high-utility prefixes, roots, and suffixes to students; exposing students to a new word in multiple contexts

Question 4: Understanding that word choices matter and that words carry power is one way to describe:
Answer: word consciousness

Question 5: How might teachers help students “own” new vocabulary words?
Answer: Provide extension activities to encourage students to use the words they’ve learned.

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[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 5: Sessions 1–6 – Test Pinoy (2025)


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Unit assessments (10 questions) are given at the end of each LETRS unit. Volumes 1 and 2 each have four unit assessments. The unit assessment is not timed, and you can reference your notes or manual.

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In unit 5, Oral Language and Vocabulary, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of vocabulary, knowing vocabulary words in depth, determining which words to directly teach, techniques for introducing new words, effective ways to practice new words, and how to create a language-rich classroom.

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Time to complete LETRS

The time to complete the reading, online, and Bridge to Practice activities will vary, but as a rough guide, each volume takes approximately 48-60 hours of individual study to complete. Online course (including reading/participant manual): approximately eight hours per unit.

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LETRS Online Learning Platform — Each unit in the online learning platform consists of sessions. Units 1-4 each have eight sessions, and Units 5-8 each have six sessions.

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There are two main assessments within LETRS. One is after Units 1-4 and the other is after Units 5-8. Both assessments must be passed to meet the READ Act Training Requirement. Passing score expectations are 80% for each assessment to receive the READ Act designation.

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The same questions are used for both the pre-and-posttest. Full disclosure, I made an 88% on the pretest, so there are a few items that don't have the corrected answer selected for. I made a 99% on the posttest but I'm unsure of what the correct answer actually was.

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The Lexia LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite is comprehensive professional learning designed to provide early childhood and elementary educators and administrators with deep knowledge to be literacy and language experts in the science of reading.

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Lexia LETRS® stands for: Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling. LETRS for Early Childhood Educators is a professional learning experience for pre-K and Kindergarten teachers that provides deep knowledge of early literacy instruction.

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A person who is LETRS trained will be well-versed in both theory and best practice surrounding the Science of Reading. Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) has become the gold standard for teachers in the Science of Reading.

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LETRS is not easy breezy content, but somebody can take something from it no matter where they are on their educational path. It's not a one-and-done.

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Participants may not rettake posttest; one exception is if the participant is seeking to be a LETRS facilitator and you get 80-87%, we can request one retake from LETRS. What is the difference between a Certificate of Completion and a Certificate of Mastery?

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Time. To qualify for a reading endorsement, a participant must complete at least 40 hours of online coursework. The LETRS platform automatically logs a participant's time spent in the LETRS course. * This time must be at least 32 hours in order for a participant to qualify for a reading endorsement.

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In Unit 6, Digging for Meaning: Understanding Reading Comprehension, participants will reflect on the goal of reading comprehension instruction, understand what causes poor comprehension, prepare readers with pre-reading strategies, gain insight into the ways sentence structure and text structure affects comprehension, ...

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Live In-Person Training and Live Online Support

Flexible training options provided via face-to-face, webinar, online meeting, or conference call.

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Overview. While you work through the Lexia LETRS​® course of study, you'll be asked to write in an online journal in the LETRS learning platform. There are multiple ways to make journal entries: while in a session.

What is LETRS Unit 1 about? ›

In Unit 1, The Challenge of Learning to Read, participants will gain an understanding of what the brain does when it reads, exactly how children will learn to read and spell, and skills to use to support proficient reading. This unit will lay the foundation for why reading really is rocket science!

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The Measures of Academic Progress or MAP Test (or MAP Growth) by NWEA are adaptive assessments for K-12 students in core subjects, featuring a variety of question types (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-drop) with 40-43 questions per section, no time limit.

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The CPEN Exam is a computer-delivered exam consisting of 175 multiple-choice questions.

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