Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (2024)

  1. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (1)

    Danon July 30, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    Quite interesting … & makes lots of sense.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (2)

      Chris Winfieldon July 30, 2014 at 9:08 pm

      Thanks for commenting Dan — let me know how it goes if you try it!


      • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (3)

        Luke Richardsonon October 17, 2015 at 11:16 pm

        Fabulous description of the morning pages! I give them as home work to my clients. I will be offering this page as additional info. Tremendously written by someone who has clearly integrated the wealth of experience this great exercise offers. Thanks so much


  2. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (4)

    Johnon July 30, 2014 at 5:49 pm


    Great post, and what I like best is that you said you wouldn’t do it if it didn’t help you/make you a better person. This says a lot–that you do something for 30 minutes each morning–because it works! And by making your third page about your daily plans/positive visualizations-outcomes, you really incorporate some other kinds of spiritual ideas in the morning pages practice. It’s so cool. Thanks!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (5)

      Chris Winfieldon July 30, 2014 at 9:09 pm

      Thanks John!

      It definitely does ‘work’ for me 🙂


  3. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (6)

    Jeremyon July 30, 2014 at 11:43 pm

    This is kinda interesting. I know every morning the mind is fresh and there are a lot of ideas bouncing around from last night sleep. But didn’t thought of writing it down. If I were to do this, I would need to wake up an hour earlier everyday.. haha.. Speechless**


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (7)

      Chris Winfieldon July 31, 2014 at 7:29 am

      Give it a try and let us know how it goes Jeremy!


  4. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (8)

    Sandra Paulon August 3, 2014 at 12:55 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks very much for posting this article! I tried doing the morning pages for the first time this morning and it was a very enlightening experience.

    I have a question for you though. Do you always have to write three pages? What if I want to write two pages one day and maybe five the next day? Is that okay?


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (9)

      Chris Winfieldon August 5, 2014 at 9:59 pm

      Thanks for the comment Sandra — great job with getting this started!

      >> “Do you always have to write three pages? What if I want to write two pages one day and maybe five the next day? Is that okay?”

      Julia Cameron is pretty insistent on 3 pages but do what works for you right now. Just start and get in the habit of doing them each day (even if you have to build up).

      Hope that helps!


      • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (10)

        Mmson December 29, 2015 at 3:57 am

        Does 3 pages mean front and back, both sides, or 3 8-1/2 x 11, singe sided?


        • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (11)

          Savio Menezeson January 19, 2017 at 10:12 pm

          Great article to get me started. Thanks, Chris. @Mms This link should throw some light on page dimensions. (I had the same question.)


  5. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (12)

    Claudiaon August 5, 2014 at 9:48 pm

    I enjoyed this especially because I have felt the same way. I have been writing morning pages for several months and thought they were crazy at first but I have actually found them valuable. I committed to trying the artist’s way for 12 weeks. It was great and I am actually continuing the pages. My question though is what do you do with the pages after you write them? Some say toss. Some say save.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (13)

      Chris Winfieldon August 5, 2014 at 10:00 pm

      Thanks for your feedback Claudia!

      >> “My question though is what do you do with the pages after you write them? Some say toss. Some say save.”

      Personally, I keep them.


  6. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (14)

    Maryon August 6, 2014 at 8:38 am

    Attempted the morning pages years ago but the inner critic prevailed. Also, bought most of Julia Cameron’s books which I treasure. Now your blog (AKA pep talk) just inspired me. I can do this! Thanks, coach.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (15)

      Chris Winfieldon August 6, 2014 at 10:34 am

      That is SO great to hear Mary! Please check back and let us know how it goes for you…


  7. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (16)

    Leslieon August 9, 2014 at 6:33 am

    So happy that you shared this I it’s been a little more then a month since I started doing my morning pages and it’s been such an amazing experience an for the past week or two I had some struggled to get it done but seeing this reminded me of all the great benifits that I’ve had thank you and I truly enjoyed everything you wrote thanks for the reminder and this phrase or thought reminded me of what you are doing we liberate our selfs and as we do so we automatically help others to liberate them selfs thanks for sharing take care and let those morning pages coming 🙂


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (17)

      Chris Winfieldon August 9, 2014 at 12:01 pm

      That’s awesome Leslie — thanks so much for sharing!


  8. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (18)

    Cherylon August 10, 2014 at 2:04 pm

    Graduated Carmel High School in Mundelein, IL with Julia! She was a fascinating, unique individual even back then before we all embarked on life’s journey and what was in store for all of us! I am definitely going to give “Morning Pages” a try! Thanks for this trip on Memory Lane, Chris! ~


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (19)

      Chris Winfieldon August 10, 2014 at 4:11 pm

      Thanks so much for sharing this Cheryl — it really made me smile!


  9. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (20)

    Ramonaon August 17, 2014 at 9:45 pm

    I hate, hate, hate morning pages. But they work!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (21)

      Chris Winfieldon August 18, 2014 at 6:59 am

      I can totally relate to this comment Ramona 🙂


  10. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (22)

    Lorion August 20, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Hi Chris…. I enjoyed your “nudge” to get back into the morning pages. I had done them for many years, and came to discovery thru doing this discipline my long-repressed artist/writer. What I never did really seem to overcome, however, was this tremendous and intense sadness… nearly every day I sat to write. I allowed it to surface, and went with it. But man, it was tenacious, had a lot of velocity, and was always present. I found, after many years of adoring the many dimensions that seemed to be “channeling” thru me, that this victimhood tendency became boring, and wore me out. I couldn’t see the benefit of feeling rather disempowered and, well, sad…. on a daily basis, so I eventually stopped. I must say, in retrospect, that in spite of that dynamic (which I don’t desire to oppress, so I embrace her too)… the multitude of benefits that came with doing the morning pages far outweighed my sadness. I have also walked with serious depression for most of my life, so I feel like that victim voice is from the very tone of depression (oppressed expression). I would love to know if others experience anything like this, as I sometimes still have ambivalence toward it, as it’s not a “cut and dry method” for me to plan my day. At all. The guts. The glory. The bleeding. The oozing. The planning. The creation. It’s messy, and it’s beautiful. At least for me. It also aligns me with my deepest spiritual compass and inspiration. So for that alone… I will return to my beautiful mess. Thank you for the inspiration.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (23)

      Chris Winfieldon August 20, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      Wow, thank you so much for this comment Lori, I really appreciate you sharing!

      I sometimes will have sadness in my morning pages but it’s not overwhelming. I just let it work itself out most times.

      I think that by the simple act of starting my morning pages with this sentence: “Today is going to be the best day ever!” that it helps to put my mind in a positive place to start. Little things like that really help me.

      Please check back and let us know how it goes with your renewed practice.


  11. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (24)

    Claireon August 26, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    I have read about morning pages for years. Your post put the pages in perspective in morning pages. I thought there were too many rules to follow to make mp’s truly valuable. I’m writing in the morning – my own way! Thanks Chris 🙂


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (25)

      Chris Winfieldon August 27, 2014 at 11:45 am

      AWESOME to hear Claire! Please check back and let us know how it goes 🙂


  12. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (26)

    Allisonon August 30, 2014 at 1:14 am

    I started a journal when I was 13, and the only time I really had that was all mine was the hour before I went to bed, so every night I would write down my day, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then I would write my hopes, fears, and dreams for the next day, week, month, and my summer plans. I did these faithfully all through 7-12 grades, all through college until my dad died at 26, but that’s an entirely different story.For me, writing out my day before going to sleep, put the day behind me. It allowed me to let go of all the “stuff” of the day and I woke up starting new. Also, once I wrote it down, I was done with it. I’ve done morning pages, but I’m truly not a morning person. I think regular journaling is beneficial no matter when you write.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (27)

      Chris Winfieldon August 30, 2014 at 8:21 am

      I think regular journaling is beneficial no matter when you write.

      I definitely agree with you Allison! I also do a quick inventory of my day at night and it’s super helpful.

      I personally believe that we are all wired a bit differently and something that might work really well for someone (writing in the morning) might not work as well for someone else (someone who isn’t a morning person) but just taking some positive action (journaling) is so good!


      • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (28)

        Maryon August 30, 2014 at 9:50 am

        Am not a morning person either (except under duress) but love the evening hours to reflect so I switched my three pages to the evening. It was a way to “let go”, express gratitude for what was and dream for the next day. Your specific suggestions for the third page tied in beautifully! I sleep better and synchronicities are on the rise. Thank you and Julia in abundance.


        • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (29)

          Chris Winfieldon September 1, 2014 at 10:56 am

          That is so awesome Mary! I think making the morning pages “work” for you is the key.


  13. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (30)

    Cassidy Elizabethon August 30, 2014 at 8:44 am

    This came to me at the best time. I was making a list of things I want to start to do so this is on the list and I am going to do 3 pages…again. thanks for the inspiration.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (31)

      Chris Winfieldon August 30, 2014 at 9:31 am

      That’s so great to hear Cassidy!


  14. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (32)

    Francescaon September 2, 2014 at 11:15 am

    I read Julia’s book years ago and wrote morning pages for about a month. It really helped but somehow, I allowed life to get in the way and I got out of the habit. I will definitely get back into this practice. Thanks for this reminder of a great process!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (33)

      Chris Winfieldon September 2, 2014 at 11:30 am

      That’s great to hear Francesca! Please check back and let us know how it goes 🙂


  15. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (34)

    Maryon September 4, 2014 at 8:51 pm

    I loved what you had to say about Morning Pages and agree with you heartily. I was surprised, however, that you made no mention of Julia Cameron who started countless thousands of us on the Artist’s Way. If I am not mistaken, she is the one to first encourage Morning Pages, and I would surely want her to be credited with that powerful, simple tool.
    And she would be delighted when anyone shares that idea and its potential benefit with others.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (35)

      Chris Winfieldon September 4, 2014 at 9:10 pm

      Thanks for commenting Mary — I’m really glad you enjoyed it 🙂

      >> “I was surprised, however, that you made no mention of Julia Cameron who started countless thousands of us on the Artist’s Way.”

      I actually mention her quite often in the post — including in the second paragraph: “when I first heard about Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages.”

      She is the one who came up with this brilliant idea and I’m a big fan of her work 🙂


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (36)

      Chris Winfieldon September 4, 2014 at 9:20 pm

      No problem at all Mary 🙂


  16. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (37)

    Mary Stedhamon September 4, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    I owe Chris an apology. I read right past his acknowledgement of Julia Cameron as the source of his introduction to Morning Pages. Obviously, she did receive credit as she was due, and I need to pay better attention!

    Keep spreading the good word, Chris. You did a wonderful job of stating the value of this simple exercise, and I thank you for that!


  17. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (38)

    Sherryon September 5, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    I was introduced to this from a dear friend whom I so look up to! Today was the first day of the rest of my life and I want to make it better! I began my Morning Pages this morning and am excited to do this! Not a morning person but strive to make this a new goal to do! I have journaled off and on over the years but not in this format. Thanks to Julia, Mary and you for bringing this to my attention!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (39)

      Chris Winfieldon September 5, 2014 at 4:59 pm

      I loved reading this Sherry — thanks so much!


  18. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (40)

    Debbi Mansbergeron September 8, 2014 at 6:52 am

    Good Morning, Chris. Great blog for me this morning. I have done morning pages in the past, and strayed away from them. However, they have been on my mind, and I sensed I needed to get back to them. So, you blog this morning, was just what I needed to get jump started. For today, I will focus on doing my morning pages tomorrow. And I’m feeling a bit excited about the prospect!!! Thanks, Chris. Have a most awesome day.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (41)

      Chris Winfieldon September 8, 2014 at 10:06 am

      This is so awesome Debbi!

      What a perfect example of synchronicity in action 🙂


  19. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (42)

    Juliaon September 8, 2014 at 3:29 pm

    I love your take on MPs (what I call them). I’ve been doing them for the better part of 10 years and I feel lost when I don’t do them. I appreciate the way you’ve taken the 3rd page for visualization – I think I might try that tomorrow. Thanks!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (43)

      Chris Winfieldon September 8, 2014 at 6:06 pm

      Great to hear Julia — please check back in and let me know how it goes 🙂


  20. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (44)

    elizabethon September 16, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    Hi Chris- I am 2 weeks and counting with my Morning Pages. It has inspired me to make some radical changes to my artist website! Thanks.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (45)

      Chris Winfieldon September 16, 2014 at 4:58 pm

      That’s so great to hear Elizabeth — thank you for letting me know!


  21. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (46)

    Mayon January 11, 2015 at 5:46 pm

    Great article on morning pages ! A friendly reminder why it is so important to stay consistent. I was good for 3 years while living in BC and I’ve never had so many “dreams come true”. I won a writing contest, published an article and got paid by a major magazine, wrote various music reviews (health and fitness is my field, but I have an underlying passion to also write about music so being accepted to write for websites was a wow experience) …. I essentially found my creative self and it was amazing. I am starting again now for 2015. Your article just reminded me how important it is and to not judge myself…. Thanks!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (47)

      Chris Winfieldon January 12, 2015 at 3:52 pm

      Awesome May — please let me know how it goes!

      BTW, I loved this:

      >>I’ve never had so many “dreams come true”



  22. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (48)

    Suzanne Warkon March 9, 2015 at 7:27 pm

    Thanks, Chris! I’ve done the pages on and off before, but I was never confident I was approaching them the right way. The way you described the process makes me feel good about giving them another try! 🙂


  23. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (49)

    Fabiolaon March 24, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    I am so impressed and lucky to read this..……………surely will give it a try.


  24. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (50)

    minaon April 8, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    Hi mr.winfield i really owe you a great thanks because i used you topic and article for my presentation in university of course i mentioned my source and introduce you to my friends.
    anyway thanks for your great articles i wish as i enjoy them i can do them in my real life.

    mina, a student of tabriz university


  25. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (51)

    Chieremeon May 11, 2015 at 8:40 am

    Great post!

    I had heard of this technique being used for songwriters, but I hadn’t thought about using this to start my day. I often struggle with getting up and staying up so this is a great help!




  26. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (52)

    Lidiya Kon May 24, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    Great article!

    Too often do people forget that it’s all about putting your thoughts on paper, without any preparation or thinking too much about it.

    I love the way you do the morning pages exercise. The first sentence you write is a positive affirmation and lets your mind embrace the new day with joy and peace.

    I think it’s a great solution for those who have a hard time starting their morning pages. They can just write down a positive statement about life in general, or something they are grateful for, or just a reminder that this new day is a gift. And they can use it as a starting point each morning to build momentum and let words flow.

    Thanks for sharing this post.



  27. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (53)

    Kelly M. Sissonon May 30, 2015 at 10:51 am

    I have been doing Morning Pages for more than 15 yrs., and it has changed everything. I also draw a mandala at the end of writing my pages. Now, I schedule nothing in the morning, because this is sacred time. It is as necessary as breathing to my day.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (54)

      Vivianeon August 4, 2015 at 1:24 pm

      Dear Kelly,

      What a beautiful idea! I’m sure your mandalas bring you lots of great energy!! =] Thanks for sharing!



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    Vivianeon August 4, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Dear Chris,

    I came across this topic in a post I used with my students in class today and I decided to dig a bit. I’m definitely giving it a try!! Thank you for the idea and links throughout the text – they are amazing!!



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    Justinon August 5, 2015 at 6:57 pm

    Thanks Chris, I came across this site when writing my own far more basic post on Morning Pages. Think I linked back to you.

    Anyway am now past the 1 week mark of doing them daily by hand. Had tried typing them on and off before.

    The only thing I do differently from yours is that I write Today is going to be the best day ever as the last line, rather than the first. And I always read the last line of the day before I start writing.

    It’s a pretty awesome way to start the day!


  30. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (57)

    carolineon August 28, 2015 at 9:24 pm

    This may sound like a silly question but when you say three pages does one page mean an A4 sheet of paper both sides??


  31. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (58)

    Norma Leeon October 4, 2015 at 9:05 pm

    Thanks for the blog. I have 500 plus streak going on 750 Words.
    Because I do not know anyone else that is doing it, I was thinking I may be a little nuts.
    After reading your blog, I am probably okay. lol
    The most helpful part was you saying that you write in the first person, but not always. This happens to me and I do not know where the thoughts or ideas come from, but they come and I write them. Thus the thinking that I may be a little nuts.
    Again thanks for sharing what you do in your writing. I loved it.
    Norma Lee


  32. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (59)

    Rajnion October 20, 2015 at 12:39 am

    Hi Chris, i found your writing so inspiring. well this is something that so many people have already told you. but i have started practicing it. it is helping me. its only a week by now that i have started this. i am a student and looking for a good job. so for me my studies are all too important and also to be settled in a career. sadly i could not find any mentor for me. which i feel is the reason for lack of control in my life. but by god’s grace hopefully i would find a mentor who can help me in this process… thank you once again… well i found that power breathe too scary…. :-). i am little sensitive to my breathe. but really thank you.


  33. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (60)

    omolaraon November 11, 2015 at 3:33 pm

    i am so excited about this, but my question is how long is a page? i mean how many lines is a page? are we getting a notepad or a notebook, or a long note book?


  34. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (61)

    tinaon December 29, 2015 at 3:33 am

    Great article and very informative. I just want to get your take on how to handle a practice like this is you work the night shift for 4 or so nights a week and therefore spend a lot of time sleeping in the daytime?


  35. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (62)

    Craigeon December 29, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    Okay so what does one do with the notebooks when they are full??


  36. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (63)

    Karthikaon May 17, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    I’ve been practicing morning pages for about two weeks now, and it’s going great, I just have one question…is there any age criteria for doing this?


  37. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (64)

    Maku Torreson July 13, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    So today was my first day writing morning pages, and let me tell you, I feel amazing and lighter if that makes sense… I was typing it because I have a 17 month old baby who needs a lot of attention but found that I got distracted so easily. By writing I felt true to my word! It’s so nice. Anyway, I was wondering if ONE page is front and back? I did one page, not front and back, and it seems a little short. Just something that’s been stuck on my mind and am dying to know the answer lol. Thanks for the article, great read!


  38. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (65)

    Maku Torreson July 13, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    So today was my first day actually writing, I have been typing my morning pages and it makes such a big difference! I love this article, you bring up a lot of different points and benefits to morning pages which made me realize that I actually need it in my life. So after writing my three pages it seemed very short. Do you consider one page Font & Back? It’s killing me lol! Thanks again!


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    Lindaon August 6, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    Hello !

    I’m a young French medicine student and I find your post and your whole blog SUPER ! ?

    Thanks for giving us all those advices and for explaining us how to try dealing better with ourselves.

    I’ve been working on doing these three pages every morning and I think that I’m now close to get it right. I mean to do this regularly and hopefully.

    You’re inspirational ?

    Thank you Chris


  40. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (67)

    Luisaon August 12, 2016 at 8:46 am

    This is amazing! I’ve been trying to find the best morning routine for me and this is something I’ve really been trying to incorporate so thank you for the advice. I have one question, do you meditate before or after you do the morning pages? Or do you feel it doesn’t really make a difference which you do first? And lastly, what type of meditation do you practice? Thank you!


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    Shubham Raksheon September 3, 2016 at 11:04 pm

    Ideas quite sharing….!!!!Great


  42. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (69)

    Purvi Rajanion September 14, 2016 at 8:24 am

    Great read. I’ve been doing morning pages for just over 15 months now. They’ve become my keystone habit and a fundamental part of the morning routine. Morning pages are extremely impactful and I think most people could benefit greatly by following your recommendations.


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    Harjithon December 14, 2016 at 7:16 pm

    Hey Chris, just read the title of your post three days ago (not the article) and I started – I just knew it was right for me! I am early riser so time is not an issue – I like going through the motions of taking out my diary, my pen and then settling down to it. It’s a fantastic idea. Today I read the article ? and I must say, it’s one of the simplest good advice from anyone to me! There’s no wrong or right way but the goal is the same. Cheers & thanks ?


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    Sharonon January 22, 2017 at 6:25 am

    Ah, now I know why my journal entries tend to be mundane and whiny. Lol. Thanks. Great post.


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    Carlon February 3, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    I’ve only done this for several days, and can feel all the benefits you describe. I think it’s a great way to break stagnancy in any area. One suggestion I’d make though…I believe it’s more beneficial to write without any thoughts or structure involved. I’ve tried it both ways.


  46. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (73)

    Jonathan Riveraon March 28, 2017 at 6:02 am

    Thanks Chris
    I’m a huge fan of this process. I always say TRUST THE PROCESS.
    In the beginning this can seem tough but after some time with this your body yearns for it. Give your mind the opportunity to remove the clouds and see the Sun!
    Thanks for this great post


  47. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (74)

    Pratibha Gon April 5, 2017 at 10:14 am

    I tried to do the morning pages but I couldn’t complete even a page..My mind was totally blank and I did not know what to write..I tried it for a few days and it was still the same..
    How do I get past this block??


  48. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (75)

    Artemon June 12, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    Try morning pages with Writelight App! You might like it =)


  49. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (76)

    Brandion June 17, 2017 at 7:40 am

    I have a question. Ok. I read Julia’s ‘The Artist’s Way” …somewhere around 2000 & immediately started the Morning Pages practice. There were periods where I did write them on a computer for a bit but everything else about the routine was kept in line. Oh- and I at some point added a 4th page which I called my Gratitudes Page.
    Then fast forward to last year… I had a rather life-altering run-in with encephalitis that brought a few rather unsavory people into my life to reap the rewards of my horrible short-term memory combined with my tendency toward honesty. One of them took as many of my old notebooks as possible & obsconded them off somewhere. I don’t know if she even bothered reading em or just trashed em or maybe even sat around the local pond, reading em out loud to a bunch of homeless crackheads… I just know they’re ALL gone & that seriously interfered with my previously established (&faithful) practice cuz every time I pick up a comp book to start writing I’m immediately reminded of ALL those missing years of writing.
    Hence my current poking around, looking for slightly different approaches so it’s not so triggering.
    Thanks for putting the word out there about MP’s cuz yuppers- they are awesome. Very very helpful & that 4th Page of Gratitude seriously gives a nice boost to all things positive in our lives.


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (77)

      Brandion June 17, 2017 at 7:49 am

      Oh ya- my question! Any advice or suggestions on breaking my association of the MP’s with the anger, betrayal, & straight up pain that all those missing notebooks have brought up? All the years I was writing them, I’d had it in the back of my mind that once my daughter came of age I’d give them all to her so that she could see/learn about the mother she barely got to know before being adopted by a family member when she was 4. So- that’s the pain that comes up every morning as soon as it’s time to sit down w/ my coffee & write. I’m hoping to find a way past/through this cuz damn do I miss my MP’s wake-up routine & all the positive fallout from such a practice.


      • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (78)

        Debon July 4, 2018 at 4:26 pm

        Hi Brandi,

        What I’ve heard about morning pages is this: in order to make them the most useful is to destroy them by tearing them up or otherwise destroying them daily or weekly. This way, your inner critic won’t filter anything out and you can freely write everything that comes to mind without fear of anyone finding your pages and judging you or possibly being hurt by your reflections on others. (My mom read her late husband’s journal and was deeply hurt by the things he wrote about her, so I can see why it’s important to think about what could happen in case of our demise.)

        Given this idea, perhaps if you start writing again, you can try this ritual of destroying the pages and this might help reframe the loss of your original pages as having this beneficial result, too? What do you think about that idea?


  50. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (79)

    Ioana Vanceaon July 12, 2017 at 4:42 pm

    Great article…as far as I could read without getting exhausted due to all the FB, Twitter, Pinterest, etc buttons right over the text. It’s a pitty….There is a very little room on the bottom of the page where I could read the very first words from the left. I promise I’m back to finish reading the article if it’s made easier to read.


  51. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (80)

    Anitaon September 4, 2017 at 10:40 am

    Morning, great read. Thank-you.
    I tried to download the report and the link is not working for me. Any suggestions?


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (81)

      Laura Allahverdion September 8, 2017 at 10:27 am

      Try to refresh, it seems to work 🙂


  52. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (82)

    Michaelon September 10, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    Chris, I am very stingy with my email address- a popup is one way to guarantee I won’t give it to a site. But I noticed no popup on this page, and I loved the article- you drill down to specifics, offer examples and action items so compelling I saved them elsewhere. I downloaded your ebook and you have my personal info now for your list. Thanks for being truly worthy of it.


  53. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (83)

    Naton January 21, 2018 at 3:44 pm

    Thank you for sharing so much appreciated. I did a search and your post popped up. I’ve tried Morning Pages in the past and loved the exercise however after three months I didn’t follow through as I keep a regular journal and it became too much or I just didn’t make enough time.

    I love journaling and I’d like to resume my morning pages not at the expense of doing away with my journal as I like to read over my journals from time to time and Morning pages aren’t supposed to be Re-read. I’m torn but I do want to give it another go.


  54. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (84)

    Esther Nagleon March 8, 2018 at 2:07 am

    I am so glad I stumbled upon this, what I great reminder of the value of this exercise, I did it for a few months last year and I know I got lots of benefits from it, but then the devil in my ear whispered, “you haven’t got time for this, look how terrible your handwriting is, you are not saying anything worth reading etc”, and I stopped. I have been using an online journaling site and it really isn’t the same although I do like the praise for the daily success (oh, the power of writing, I didn’t realise it was that I liked about it, ego likes praise, ha!) but I know that my ideas flow much better when I write by hand, so am going to return to my notebook and my terrible handwriting. Thank you


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (85)

      Chris Winfieldon July 31, 2018 at 9:39 am

      So glad you decided to start doing it Esther!


  55. Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (86)

    Sharonon April 12, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    My friend told me about Morning Pages. I’ve really been thinking about it. I read everything you had and all the “helps” you mention. Decided it’s time to stop thinking about it and get busy writing and believing it will be the beginning of all for which I’m desperately wanting. It sounds great. I guess now it is up to me. I’m starting tomorrow!


    • Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas & Less Anxiety (87)

      Chris Winfieldon July 31, 2018 at 8:40 am

      Sounds great, Sharon!



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  2. This column will change your life: Morning Pages | - […] we move towards our dreams, we move towards our divinity.” But this summer I read three articles that suggested…
  3. This column will change your life: Morning Pages | - […] we move towards our dreams, we move towards our divinity.” But this summer I read three articles that suggested…
  4. [BLOCKED BY STBV] 9 Meditation Hacks for People Who Can't Meditate - […] pick up a pen and grab a piece of paper and JUST WRITE. I’ve talked about this before with…
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  6. [BLOCKED BY STBV] Morning Pages - A Clearer Mind, Better Ideas &a... - […] Morning Pages are one of these things that sound so simple that you don't think they could ever work…
  7. [BLOCKED BY STBV] 7 Tips To Stay More Focused Throughout The Day in 2015 - Social Nurse Web - […] Starting your morning off in such a manner will damage your mood immediately and your day will be destined…
  8. [BLOCKED BY STBV] 8 Reasons Morning Pages Make You Feel Better - […] each morning change your life Why it’s worth making time for this lengthy morning ritual These 3 pages might…
  9. [BLOCKED BY STBV] The Unbelievable Benefits of Morning Pages - […] 5 reasons why you should start writing morning pages right now These 3 pages might be your key to…
  10. [BLOCKED BY STBV] Scribbles in the morning - Write and shine with author Lindsey Dawson - […] how many morning pages have been scribbled since then! Even business people are doing […]
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  13. Escribir es bueno para tu salud (y otros recortes literarios) - Gabriella Literaria - […] No entro ya en los efectos positivos a nivel puramente psicológico, que de esto ya se ha escrito mucho…
  14. Unboxed Weekly Roundup: Start With Love - Unboxed Writing - […] 3 Pages Might be Your Key to a Clearer Mind, Better Ideas and Less […]
  15. About Morning Pages – This Poet's Life - […] in terms of “writing to learn” and leading an over-all more productive life. There are testimonies to that effect.…
  16. The Clairvoyance of Morning Pages - Femme Fantastique - […] […]
  17. #29DaysStrong Challenge: For Physical, Creative + Mental Strength - Miss - […] #29DaysStrong: – Start your day with “Morning Pages”. First thing in the morning, grab a notebook and fill 3…
  18. Crosstraining: Getting better at Preaching by Writing | panvocational - […] construction workinto a larger practice that includes daily writing a la Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages,”planning out my sermons a…
  19. 5 (almost) effortless ways to become a morning person | Vus Times - […] that I get the most out of in the early morning hours include stretching, meditation, writing Morning Pages andgratitude…
  20. How I put myself first every day | Brian Bowers - […] to do this, and my methods have changed many times. I’m currently using a method similar to morning pages,…
  21. The Busy Creator | Examining The Modern Creative Workforce and the Ongoing Struggles of Productive People, with Prescott Perez-Fox — The Busy Creator Podcast 80 - […] Morning Pages […]
  22. The 17 Benefits of Journaling You Should Know About - […] Also check out: These 3 pages might be your key to a clearer mind, better ideas and less anxiety…
  23. My Morning Routine: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – Grace Adulting - […] my Morning Pages(my favorite part of my morning, besides my […]
  24. Back-To-School When You Just Can’t Even - […] has taught us about the practice of Morning Pages and Bullet Journaling so far and I’ve got to tell…
  25. Gordon Tredgold – 7 Tips To Stay More Focused Throughout The Day in 2015 - […] Starting your morning off in such a manner will damage your mood immediately and your day will be destined…
  26. Try This: Morning Pages – Deep Green Crystals - […] in her Artist Way book as a daily practice for anyone interested in creativity, not just writers. This guy…
  27. Writing Morning Pages can offer many of the same benefits as meditation — Quartz - […] many artists, but they can be equally useful for people of all stripes. Entrepreneur Chris Winfield writes about his…
  28. How writing 750 words a day could change your life | Writing News - […] many artists, but they can be equally useful for people of all stripes. Entrepreneur Chris Winfield writes about his…
  29. Increase Focus and Productivity With Morning Pages – Awkward Human - […] Maintaining focus in that swamp of thoughts can be difficult. There are times when I am tempted away from…
  30. Pensamientos positivos: Páginas matutinas | Daniela Gomez - […] Aquí les dejo un blog de una persona que ya lleva realizando este ejercicio un tiempo y nos cuenta…
  31. Alba! | Rivelino's Diary - […] as told to my morning pages […]
  32. DO This: Morning Pages – Deep Green Crystals - […] in her Artist Way book as a daily practice for anyone interested in creativity, not just writers. This guy…
  33. The Productive Benefits of Journaling (plus 11 ideas for getting started) | NEWZE - […] thoughts you have on paper to start your morning with a clean slate, so to speak. For entrepreneur Chris…
  34. Should You Give Meditation a Try? - Optimize Your Life - […] up so that I meditate immediately after I wake up and follow that up with a one page variation…
  35. Welcome Back – Rebel Yell - […] living through using more than just my private journal (speaking of which, y’all tried Morning Pages? It’s amazing.), or…
  36. Soul-Stretching Series 01 – Tenaciously M.D. - […] (2)[[Morning pages]]within 10 minutes of waking up instead of grabbing for my phone [admit it, I’m not the only…
  37. A morning routine to clear your head - Liberal Progressive Democrat News - […] entrepreneur Chris Winfield, who has followed the practice for 241 days in a row, said it helped in the…
  38. A Plan for Revising Your Novel in TheRightMargin | TheRightMargin Blog - […] even have to be fiction. Try writing a review or an essay. Try journaling, freewriting, or morning pages. Whatever…
  39. Soul-Stretching Series 01 – Recap – Tenaciously M.D. - […] #2:For emotional/spiritual wellness –[[Morning pages]]within 10 minutes of waking up instead of grabbing for my phone [admit it, I’m…
  40. A morning routine to clear your head – Viraw - […] Other successful individuals can attest to the efficacy of Morning Pages. Writer and entrepreneur Chris Winfield, who has followed…
  41. Ideal Day – shimanamikaido - […] – Write my Morning Pages (while drinking a cup of […]
  42. First blog post – I'm a Nomad - […] started writing a while ago. And writing, especially in the mornings, helped me finding a pattern. Actually the pattern…
  43. How The First 20 Minutes Of Your Day Can Set You Up for Success - […] to write down some of your affirmations, spread positive thinkingand plan your day through these“morning pages.”Clear your mindof any…

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.