Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (2024)


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15 mai 2017

  • Russo

Quality Point(s): 33

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (2)

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15 mai 2017

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (4)

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15 mai 2017

  • Russo

Quality Point(s): 33

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@vishalversi isn't it better to say I will go to the cinema?



15 mai 2017

  • Inglês (Reino Unido)
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Finlandês

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (12)

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15 mai 2017

  • Inglês (Reino Unido)
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Finlandês

Quality Point(s): 0

Respostas: 6

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In the cinema means you're
inside the cinema. At the
cinema is like in the area of
the cinema.
Like if you text your friend:
I will meet you at the cinema.
And if you are in the cinema
you are like: I will meet you in the cinema.
Not sure if it helped, but I hope so. :)


Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (19)

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (25)

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16 mai 2017

To me, "in the cinema" is when you're in the actual room where the film is played.
"At the cinema" can also express this, but if you are in the foyer/buying snacks etc. then you are also "at" the cinema. I think "at the cinema" is used much more often. "I'll meet you at the cinema" is perfectly fine.


Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (26)

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (33)

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (35)

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Qual é a diferença entre "in the cinema" e "at the cinema" ? (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.