The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

(Jl2 171 East Sub. Apis-Rent No. Sud." Apts -Rent i 200 So. H.i-s Apt 3 -Rent Pittsburgh Press, May 9. 1991 030 Help Wanted i C30 Help Wanied '045 Sales 205" West Suburban Aots-Rent 1 360 Hills Houses Sale BEECHVIEW 1 030 HeD Wanted REAL ESTATE SALES TAKE ACTION ON A NEW CAREER i II you're looking tor JTAFF-Shodyside coreer thot oftords your per-1 A Co)e 40t sonol freedom ondhnonc.ol A M.F nom.4pm rewords, torn the reoi estate -7- team ot Prudential Preferred I WAITERSWAITRESSES Realty We otter the odvan-1 preferobie fine exp.

toges of comprehensive i 972 0920 ask tof Lon "JX-ISJi iit in2pm-9pm shift must hove to nne tew "Itocwairetp. Apoly in person the to name a tew. Srm1nfreld St. downtown TPfc SclTER Compiigro- sume to Press Bo G-215 VINYL FLOORING ME-I CHANIC subcontract, top I wooes steady work, ep 0 I must. 655 8555; 655 2736 VVAITER'WAITRESS full port-time, Ml.

Lebanon, all shifts avonaoie, sojojuu. Sun. breoktost shift only. Mt. Lfbonon 563-5300 WAITRESSWAITER PAIMIFRI'S RESTAURANT -n rr pmn If nrm I KrtJiM itiut vi wj i citing opportunity call Judy ot 367-8045 Ext.

201. A Lf: TA ES A ITiEt.eV MAKE THE BEST MOVE iNo exp nec. Some heavy Howard Hanno Real Wltl tf0in 934 720 team in Pittsburgh with the WORD PROCESSORS WordPerfect or Macintosh "lnire duties inrl 364-2111 uw u. WWUS.V" 3. managers who supp you.

Arftliotion w'HOMEOUlTY larqest relocation referral network (n U.S. Lucrative commision splits. Massive Press TV ex- with 1 rated HOWCAS6 OF HOMES Unmatched free post-lie. and on-going training. Join us for a career niqhf: Mnv 7 Monroeville May 15..

No. Suburban Wed. Mow Vollev I Cothy Wlnqhort, 9A7-90OO. joward 3 REAL ESTATE SALESPER- SON Wonted. Must hoveipkq.

Reply jn wnttmg. PO Real Estate license and beiBox 12412, Pgh. PA 1523! oble to work open Rouses, COLLEGE JR's-SR's Spring Sundays only. Coll Bob(gor(Jen nelp, jn Moth, 8J3-0900. iXfPtnn NOW.

PT Wofrrinn. 03tHetp Wanted HOMtntii Health Aides needed to provide in home core. We offer flexible daytime schedules Cor nee. SOUTH HILLS. ROSS, NATRONA MGTS.

CHESWICK SPRINOALE. Skills training, provided. Coll We Center. 782-1417 HOTEL hELP THE R3VCE HOTFU Moon Tap, is hiring oble bodied Bonque Housepersons. Ap- ptv oj inofn nun kooo HOTEL PERSONNEL Maintenance.

Drivers, Life guards, f-ront Desk, Housekeeping, Restaurant, Lounge, 8. Banquet Positions Avertable. Appfy in person at the redwood inn Bonksviile ft 6 Potomac HOUSECLEANiNG residential homes with crews. Mon-ri. days.

Approx 32 week, Dormont. 343-4232 nHOU5EKEEPER7Bibysirter Highland Pk, 3 afternoons week. Keply to: Press Box G-518 HOUSEKEEPER For Tues. Thurs. E.

Liberty 441-81 HOUSEKEEPING Cranberry area $4.50 to start. 772-5350 ask for the Housekeeping Dept. tor more info. EOE HVAC INSTALLER 3 yr. res.

comm. 642-4275 HVAC INSTALLS RMin. 3 years field ep hand tools req. Coil Arendosh Heating, 371-1973, between 10-2 pm. HVAC MECHANIC Minimum 5 vrs.

experience. VWifl supply truck benefits. Located East Suburbs. Reply to PRE 5S BOX G-056 HVAC SERVICE PERSON 3 years experience. 343-7V88.

HVAC Sheet metol person, experience nec. 343-7988. INSTRUCTOR instrument repair. Electronics bockground helpful. Coll Mr.

Aaoms, 462-9011 JANITOR DELIVERY PKRSON-For small mochine shop. Reply: P.O. Bon 7815, Pgh. PA 15215 Cafe 401. 401 Shody Ave.

Apply Mon-Fri, U-am-4pm JANITORIAL COUPLE Neville Island area. 5 nights per week. Ref. req. 931-3313 JANTfORTAL cleaning of" fices.

Sun thru Thurs. 6pm ft appro 10pm. Sewickley Glenfeld. 343-4232 JANITORIAL-oftice cleaning. Mon-Wed-Fri, 6-Vpm, Brirtgo-yille, Vanadium Rd.

343-4732 SINGLES AND COUPLES Positions available in: Robinson Twp Moon Two Carnegie Bethel Pork GttMberr, Two Neville is. Crotton Mt. Lebanon -1 258-9500. loam-Noun 787-7682, 24 Hours JEWELRY SALES N. Hills.

Will train. 366-8008 LAN OSCAPE Rlujerienced to run crew. Must have pickup or dump truck, good wages. 661 1885. Own trons.

Immed. 243-7878 LANDSCAPING Exp. pref. full fime. immed.

921 2662. LIFEGUARD For Penn Hills apt. complex. Musi hove all current certificates, exams, advance lifesaving, multi meaia first aid. CPR, and t'fegudrd training.

Please coll 795-5103. LIFEGUARD May-Sept, must have CPR, First Aid, Lifeguard Training Cer. WesTvlew Area, 366-5400 for appointment. LTFEUARDS-county certT tied ifor npt. community in CttV.

391-9833. MOCHINIST-Min. 2 yrs. ep. on lathe horii.

boring mill. Must hove toots. Resume: PQ Box. 781S, Pgh, 15215 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Notional corporation expanding in the Pittsburgh area: TMPID ADVANCEMENT $48,000 POTENTIAL BONUSES NO EXPER. NECESSARY Will train in all aspects of business.

For interview coll 788-9320 MEAT DEPT. MANAGER MEAT CUTTER-port-time CAKE DECORATOR full time Fxper. req. in all positions. Apply Pines Plaza Foodlond.

1130 Perry Hwy, No. Hills. MECHANICAL Machinist background req'd. Plastic work looting work. FT, daylight.

Harniarville areo. Start A5AP. 364-2111 Temporary Senice MECHANIC HEAVY EQjiP yrs exp. Full time. South Hills contractor.

831-0717 MODEL MEN-WOMEN-CHILDREN EARNING POTENTIAL TO rrv. $50. hour PHOTOGRAPHY-AUDIO ViSUAL EXPERIENCE NOT REO'O Stote licensed, bonded VAN ENTERPRISES AGCY. 355-0412, Estob 1973 MODELS Men-Women -Chil-dren. Model Mgmt.

372-7373 TMORtWGETOFHCERS Mortfjaqe banking firm with 2 branch offices is seeking experienced professionals. We are expanding into Allegheny ana Butler Counties and are looking for quality originators. We offer very competitive commission jtAJCTure, benefits and protected territories. Call First F-moncial Mortgage 800-832-9701, ask for Bob. I CKAFlciN ru-at inc $J35- 3' CRAFTON-GREEN TREE Newly renovateir-spacious affordable luxury trans at dr Near airport downtown $99 Security Deposit 2 BR, $469 electric 422 2300 or 343 227? 2 BR, gor, $440 Sachs 421-2140 EIN DY WP-furn.

effcy. $275 elec. 771-9419 SbmckiiY MORE FOR VOUR MONEV eicn Off. The Courtyards ot arnn unt-i ic-init in the Village of Sewickley. Recently renovated apart- mpnk 1 1 enuinopd carpet, walk-in Closets, mini Dimas.

Furnished Available. Garages Available 741-7979 EST ENO-2 BR units. Section 8 assistance available. Apply: 287 Villaqc Rd. or call 921-5010 Section 8 certificates welcome 230 End Houses-Rent LAWRENCEVILLE-4BR.

37th Penn Area. 683-3633 PT. BREEZE 2 BR twnhse, AC, ranqe, dishwasher, 1 blk bus, $500 utils. 793-5661 235 Sub Houses Rent MuRRYSvlLLE-5 BR ranch, 3 wooded ac. pool, lacurzi 4 car gar $jl50a327-3278 PFNN HlLISSS bath pool.

$700 523-3348 PLUM BORO-2BR. 1 bnths, range, 1 -car gar $400 util. Bifl Berrot Arbors mgmt. 242-4200 241 West Suburban Houses Rent airport area forest glen. 3 br townhouse $750 util.

equip, kitchen, ww carpet, pool, tennis. PRUDENTIAL REALTY CO. 261-6500 BRIDGEVILLE 2 BR. 2 boths. sunrm, 2-car gar.

$600 utils. 344-2563. 242 Sub Houses-Rent ROSS 1WP 5 rms, mt gar, double. $420 761-3766 250 S. Hills Houses-Rent BfclHbL PARK-4BR eq kit, ac, FP, conv.

loc, $1175 746 3443 CASTLE SHANNON--3BR twnnse, l' baths, DW. oc. 1 cor gor 563 1361. oft 6pm CENTURY III AREA-lux. 1 2 BR townhms, ww, eqp.

drapes, lofts, skylites, ool. tennis. $460 ud. Special. off 1st months rent.

Coll 384-405. MT I. EB--3BR, dble, qar. no pets, $550 ut. 561-164' MT LEBANON- 2 BR Vi int.

May 15 oc cuponcy, $515-. 885-3353 MT. WASH 2 BR, yard, bsmt. $375 885-2348 SOUTH PARK golf course, yard. $45 653-0946 260 Furn.

Apts-Houses AIRPORT AREA I BR, ww, inc ht. 831-RENT crXfton-Tbr, wil7 hT inc $360 1 391 1014; 531-0392 DORMONT-1 BR, ww, ac, $325 incl. heot. 831 RENT I DS TP- Remod effcy's 81 1 BR, immed. 661-7686 TrTe ds i Ws a j5ysTde Spacious efficiencies 1 BR apts.

Immediate. 661-8381 HIGHLAND PARK-2 rm effcy. $320 inc. utl. 441-4105 (TlGHL A Tn bolh $285 elec.

243-7895 OA LA 3 rooms, refrig slave, ROSS TWR PBRapts. in Waldorf Park, beautifully fur nished. Short term loose availble. 364-3344. SHADYSIDEOAKLANDIge.

modern studio, 1 8, 2 BRs, conv. trans, immed. 621-7608 ESTM IF 1IB RTTrkg. $300 utils. incl 824-0657 262 Share Apts -Houses Roommate needed to share 3BR home in Ml.

1 blck to Grandview, $270 util inc $50 sec. dep. 48! 5156 270 Garage (or Rent EAST LIBERTY- behind Seors, $50 month 381-8410 320 Condomm -Co-Op BETHEL PARK Chanrirleer corner unit, 2 BR, 2 balh, LR, DR. balcony, security bldg $85,000 238 9079 330 East Suburban-Sale EAST MONT 2BR ranch gar $39,000. 823 1353 PENN HiLLS $517900" 3BR ranch, move-in cond, concrete drive, patio, privacy lence, conv location 856-9730 CRAWFORD 330A Westmoreland Co.

WASHINGTON owner. 7 rooms, 5 acres, 15 minutes to Monroeville. $75,000 335-4610 331 North CRANBERRY TWP-3 yr old la 3 BR solit. nice cul-de- sac lot, $117,900. 776-454! North Hills-RYAN HOMES Blue Ridge Eslates-Cranber- iwp.

SIJUS. 2-V44. he Summit ot Franklin Ridae-Frnnklin Pnrk. S150's. 366-5840.

The Woodlands of Franklin Ririne. Franklin Pnrk $lvfi's. 366 6366. Colony Oaks-Shaler $110's. 486-2310 Realtor Particip.

Welcome! 332 City, Suburban Sale SEE HUD PROPERTY ADS SAT PG 8, SUN PRESS 340 E. End Houses-Sale SO. HILL PITTOCK ST. 6 porch, 1-car gar, holwater heal. $8.5,000.

Sanlel-Elkind Agcy. 683-500 ST IGIOUS" HOM COOPER AGENCY 361-6500 351 West Suburban Houses Sale RIDGE CUSTOM HOMES Call for catalog, 264-7782 360 Hills Houses-Sale BETHEL Park-by ownr, 4HR 2'-hth Cnl. no kit. ac. conv.

loc, $129,000. 746-3443 LC'tV INTEREST BOliO MOM 2 or 3 BR 2 story. FP in LR, multipane windows, close to LRT. Investment opportunity $34,900. D.

Pic- rnlo nil BETHEL PARK-Townhouse. End unit, 3 Irg BR. boths. Irg den wFP. Irg LR, Sep DR.

Irg kit, bsmnt sep util rm. over sie 2 cor gor. Canvass covered deck, front porch, extro window, ceilinq fans. Eiic cond. $106,000 Owner 854-0164 Brookiine-4bdrm master suile-2 boths-Cassie Smith Real stale 531-1500 MT.

OLIVER AREA 5 ranch, $1080 dn. $260 -mo BOB CARR Reolty 881-4861 MT-OLIVER-DOLL HOUSE Like new, sparklinq 2 BR, new bath 8, kit. w.appli, HW heal, low taxes. $19,500. SO.

PGH. REALTY 884 0400 SOUTH FAVETTEfoftrees: New construction. 4BR, baths, AC, concrete drive 8, wolkwolks, FR wFP, 2nd.flr. Indryrm. Turnkey house.

AARCO E. 221-1020 WEST MIFFLIN By Owner. 14 yr old 3BR. 2" bath, split entry, ac, qamerm, LBFP. end, patio 4S6-5404.

WHITEHALL for sale by owner, 4861 Flamingo Dr. 3BR, 1st fir. fomilyrm, OR, sunrm, 3 cor gar. $121,900. Open Sunday 1 4, 884-024! 361 Mt.

Lebanon Area- FObTbR SCHOOL AREA Immocutte 4 BR, 2' bath coloniol on quiet cul-de-sac, new elish furnace, co 8, windows, LBFP, den OR, level fenced lot, public trans. $169,900. 831-9365 Woodridqe twnhomes 23BR Thomson Homes 835-5050 362 Real Estate Serv Comm't 8, Indusl'l Brokeroqe Svcs. Oliver Realty, 281-0100 MA NAGEMENT INSURANCE KELLY-WOOD 441-2600 370 Lots for Sale CARRICK 100' tr. $6000.

$200 down, $50mo. Michaels Reolty. 884-1118 410 Farms Acreage-Sale ARMSTRONG CO-Madison Twp. 42 acres, $20,000. Brokers welcome.

Michaels Realty, 884-1118 LA 0 EIThIgTiIaN Si reo Farm w50 acres, beaut, vipw ot Chestnut Rirlnp. nr Greensburq-under cultivation. exc. tor oeei, norses, nous-inq. By owner.

PRESS BOX G-052 wnome 8, phone no. ME CO. -167 acres" house 8, barn, 2 gas wells. $125,000. 412 253-2737.

FR EE CATALOG 443T2OO West R. E. Agency, Inc. 411 Out-Town Real Est. CONFLUENCE Area-8rm hse furnished 3 mi.from Yough-iooheny 411 A Resorts, Vacation Homes.

Rent-sale ALEXANDRIA, PA For rent doily, weekly or monthly. Summer cottage nestled in scenic mountain setting of 750 acres. Fishing, canoeing, hiking. Call 814-669-9499. "MYRTLE BEACH-CON DOS $39up.

1-800-777-9411 Free brochure-indoor pools, spas be nci y7m sleeps 6, ocean side, families only, 929-2529 aft 6pm 420 Wanted Real Estate LIST WITH US CEDARLANDS INC. 531-0977 430 Financial-Mortgages WE BUY MORTGAGES Signal Financial Services 1-800-792-7500 440 Bus. Opportunities A GREAl NEW PRODUCT. HUGE PROFITS! 856-4494 BAR-shotbeer, New Brighton Musi sell, loon assumption possible. Coll 281-7702 TAVERN LENDING CORP.

BAR shotbeer. New Eagle "HAWK'S NEST" Take over payments. Some cosh required 281-7702 TAVERN LENDING CORP. A tCLE A NIN G0 Truck mounted, complete, J2900. 774-6885 aft 5pm CHFVY-'86 Van (C-fon 58,000 mi, V8 eng.) with a 1986 Cleanco direct drive carpel cleaning unit (2340 triple line hose reels 8, hose, spare pump, high pressure spray gun wndiust-oble tip.

upholstery tool 8, wet sandblasting gun probe. $12,500. Contact Ray or Sharon 412 746-9500 or 1-800-544 9500 (WV or Ohio) CiGA TTE VENDTN'tTfiTT Income 6 figures, 486-4734. COVERALL COMMERCIAL CLEANING From Only 11700 Down Achieve financial independence with the Nation's fast est growing business opportunity. No selling! We proviae cusiomers.

Training, equipment and much more. Our unioue ODDorttinitv ounr- antees income from 500 lo $3000month to start, Fran chisees available in Pitts- buroh area. We will helD to finance your investment. For more into, can: hh-wm. GMC TRUCK DEALERSHIP Between Cleveland Pitts-burah orooertv.

Darts inventory, tools, office shop equip. $225,000. Write: i-ress box o-y LOCAL VENDING ROUTE FOR SALE CHE vour own boss! Make lots ot money. Sue: 1-800-226-1118 LOCAL "VENDING ROUT For Sale CheaD. Make $400- $600week more.

Call now l-BUO-326-3187 OWN YOUR OWN FINANCE AGENCY Be our own boss arranging equipment leases, loans. nnancioi services witn our national network. FT or PT. Company training, on-goinq support. If you can- invent $500 in your future, call for details, 1-800-552-81 88.

PHARMACY FOR SALE Established 30 vrs. Ao- prox. 2700 s.f, volume ap- rox. wosiiy X. Please call 814-236-0142 Quick Return on Investment Uniaue Local Vendina Rte.

Call NOW. ALAN, I-80O-4V-M i V24 hours RESTAURANT EQUIP FIXTURES for sale Ready for business. Will get new lease. Ask. $17,000 471-9988 RETIRE IN 2 YEARS Hot new snacksoda routes avail.

Immediate ca'jh. Minimum invest. 1-800-445-4317. INDUSTRIAL-INVESTMENT OFFICE SPACE For Sale Or Lease CHUHCH'LUW-LKiNSbURo FROM S375 lunflllllliir; "tUIIOUHf immediotely. Featuring; Ba- int.

gar. Small pet ok. AAA Credit req.271-2643, 242-5390 East Suburban Area THE BRITTANY Pobulous studio or 1B9 aots. ovoil. immed.

Great location, all modern amenities, including free indoor parking. Furnished apts. ond short term leoses avoilablo. Call 243 2407. McKINNEY-RINGHAArt realty co.

242 5390. area i 2BR, fully exc 'transp. From JJ70 Res. Mgr 241-6436. Brandywlne 823-9223 FOREST HILLS Lovely 2 BR.

duplex, located in residential noiahbor- hood. Basem*nt laundry hook-ups inteqral garage. AAA Credit Req Coll 271-2643 mCNlNNtY-KINOnAW REALTY CO. 242-5390 FOREST HILLS AREA BRYN MAWR APARTMENTS SPACIOUS 1 8. 2BR FROM 4520 Minutes to Town Monroeville Swimming Pool Exercise Room New Almond Kitchens Plush ww carpet AC, lound fac, cable TV $100 Security Deposit Heat, Cooking HW inc.

371-3935 McKINNEY-RINGMAM REALTY CO. 242-5390 Monroeville-Plum MANAGEMENT 1 2 Bedroom Apartments 2 3 Bedroom Townhouses FROM $450 Newly Decorated Garages Available Walk to Shopping Bus Sorry No Pets HOLIDAY PARK AREA 5 Min. From Monroeville Dir. Rl. 22E to R1 286N, tum left at 4th light to 795-10 Pine Valley Dr.

on right 327-3100 NORTH VERSAILLES Affordable Luxury Newly renovated apts. Studio. S250 electric 1 BR. from S295 electric 199 Security Deposit 422-2306 NORTH VERSAILLES Green Volley, 1-2BR from $265. PENN kit, AC, w-w, 1st fl $305- 2nd fl $320 i el.

793-5661 PENN HILLS 1 BR, ww, kit. elec. Debbie. MGMT. 242-4200 SEVILLE SQUARE APTS 1 351-1111 or 2BR, eq kit, 3rd fir.

$245 371-8166. WILK 2BR apt, equip carpet, spacious. 363-1033 MONROEVILLE-PLUM 1-2-3 Bedrooms Newly Decorated Rents from $380 Walk to Shopping and PAT Bus Sorry no Pets 733-4550 Rt. 32 to 01. 286 Tum Rt.

at Sth Light fo Office at Holiday Pari, Shopping Center 171 A Westmoreland Co. Apts. Rent NORTH HUNTINGDON 3BR twnhse. rent or pur-chose opt. WAV, eq.kit,, AC no pets $465 921-8118.

172 No. Sub. AVALON 1 BR, from $350. Security, elevotor, cov. prkg.

761-1804. AVALON-1 BR, eq kit, No pets, $325 flee. 766 6540 BELLEVUE--H3R. equip" AC, oft-str prkq. No pets.

$400 elec. 734 5358 BELLEVUE WINHURST. 2BR dplx. 1st fir. ww.

Immed. No pets. 766-1263 CRANBERRY TWP. 3 BR twnhse, bath, CA, decK, ww, eq kite $625- 486-1416 EMSWORTH ww, fully eq.kit., dishwasher, Indry Off-st prkg. Sec.

bldg No pets. $330 el. 734-5358 ETNA 1 BR townhse, w'w, no pets, $320- util. 421-8585 HICKORY HILLS NO PETS I BR' APTS AVAIL IMMED. OCC.


RENTALS RANGE FROM 521-8100 OR 935-2800 JAMES A. WEST MCCANDLESS BEST VALUE IN NORTH HILLS Great location on RT 19. Near North Park Best Housing Area in Pgh. Brand new Kitchens Incl. new appls.

8. microwave Vertical Blinds Avail Private covered balconies Swim Pool Fitness Ctr WW Carpet CA Free Gift for All Visitors 1.2.3BR Apts 8. TH'S FROM S478 Incl. Gas, Heat HW $300 OFF WITH THIS THE' OAKS OF MCCANDLESS RT 19 Neirt to CCAC, North Campus. 366-7040 MILLVALE-Spoc.

I BR, eq kit. $225. 821-4441. NORTH HILLS WHY RENT? MARONDA HOMES, INC. Has townhomes in the low $60's with special below market financing throughout the Pittsburgh orea.

See ads in Sunday real estate of Press or CALL 787-9670 NORTH HILLS I BR, p'iv. entrance. Showerbath, prkg. City bus. $239.

821-1846 ROSS 1 BR, eq kit. CA, Indry foe off-Str. prkg. Rentsstart $360 Jfl-734-5358 Qhnlar.Qhnlor Uirthlnnrfc 2BR from $435. 487-4400.

SHARPSBURG-2 BR, 2nd fir, eq kit, taund, heal incl. $350. 781-8801, 782-0659. 171 East Sub. Apts -Rent Apartment! Townhouse hOuSE Needed tn your area.

Incomp increases rapidly. Call 304 866-3359 9am -5pm. RETAIL SALESPERSON Exp. mature tor (odies-wear store. Top hrly wage -Ph.

Dione for oppf. 421-6400 Soles MONEY MOTIVATED? S600-S1200 PER MONTH Notional marketing firm has uiwnings aue to expansion. If vou ore alert, ambitious, hove the desire to earn top Si, this is the job for yuu! J3 per nouriucrative commission plan moke this the perfect port time job. If you are able to work 17-25 nourvwee, can 921 -DIAL SALES REP $30,000 or more 1 st year salary comm. Exceptional career vnn pruaeniiot.

no experience nec. Complete training. EOE. Send resume to: K. Prochotsky, Mqr, Prudential.

Suite 205, 38) Mansfield Ave, Pgh PA 15220. SALES REPRESENTATIVE PA based manufacturer of modular housing is looking for on enthusiastic Sates Representative tor the Pittsburgh area. The ideal candidate will hove a minimum of 2 years field sales experience familiarity and or experience in 1he building trades. At least 2 vears of college preferred, relocation noT necessary, i ms top sales territory position offers an attractive, commission rate, excellent benefits ongoing soles training. EOE.

Submit resume references to Personnel Manager, Avis Homes Co Henry Avis, PA 17721. WHOLESALE REPRESENTATIVE National wholesale food company seeks 2 Representatives now. No experience necessary. Earn $600 weekly. High bonuses, benefits, new vehicle provided, 85 repeat business.

Management opportunities avail. If you ore senous. money motivated aggressive. Coll Mr. Seech" 787-2580 072 Employment-Wtd.

Professional ACCOUNTANT -Desires work. 2 days wkly. 9-5. 421-9563 090 Schools-Instructions ComputerTech Day Evening Classes Programming-operat ions-soft-wore, Near Heinz Holl. S00-447-8324 INTERNATIONAL UNARY ACADEMY Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts DayEvening Classes (412) 471-9330 Fulton Pgh 15222 PENN TECH-Electronics, 110 91h St.

Pgh 355-0455 THE BOYD SCHOOL Airline Travel Training Next class begins June 24 412-456-1800 TRIANGLE TECH-1940 Perrysville Ave 359-1000. WESTERN ScHOOL-Pgh 281 -2600 Monroeville 373-6400 100 Furnished Rms-Rent EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertisina in this newspaper is subject to ine i-eaerai rair Mousing act of 1V6B which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, reliaian. sex, handicap, familiar or nationat ongin, or an intennon to make any such preference, limition or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in the newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-424-8590.

For the Western PA area please call HUD at (412) 644-6965. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-543-B294. 115 Sleeping Rooms PLEASANT HiLLS-effioencv all furnished, prkg. 655-3391. WEST MIFFLIN-1 Irg room, $200 mo.

Prkg. 824-0657 161 City Apts-Rent CITY VIEW 2 BRS. Call 321-2B26. tATHraTide Apts Furnished Suites 481-1112 mTmsThncWon BOGGS COURT APTS. NEWLY REMODELED New ww-select your color Equipped kitchens Laundry facilities Court yard setting Garages available Walk to subway5 min.

to downtown Pgh. EFFICIENCIES $279 elec! -1BR S319 elec1 COME SEE OUR MODEL CALL 431-1313 Weekdays Saturday 10 2 p.m. Evenings by appointment The Pe7Tnsyivonion, 3T6730 Shodyside The School House, 322-6444 noUtTlity bills Froe tronsp. to downtown Free heated pool Tennis courts Indoor parking Large studio, 1 2 BR apts. starting at S476.

corp6rTesuiTes 3 mo. min. -many amenities. SH50-S15SO. 391-9933, 170 Sub Apts -Rent MT.

Lebanon Bower Hill III Luxury Apts. 279-8080 1 2 air tennis courts, tot lots. 787-7720 AMORE Effcy 1,2 3 BR Apts. BEACON HILL: 731-0308 EDOEWOOD CRT: GREENOCK MAN 751-0395 TRENTON CHURCHILL 823-5600 PENNWOOO BE LLEVUE 766-3618 HERITAGE LINDENBROOKE 831 -6043 Apts. East Alcoma on Green 795-5101 SOUTH Pleasant Hills.

655-7900 Nob Hill 279-6000 NORTH Chateau Perry 366-5400 Apartments 1 2 BR'S South Park Place 831-7550 Southpoinle Towers 469-3100 Eost Tantivy 372 4945 West Westpointe 787-761 1 171 East Sub. Apts-Rent EDGEWOOO-IBR, bldg, ww heot. no pets, J380. 421-8585 NANNVHOUSfcW.tfcPfc Live in, Boston suburb Martha's Vineyard. Mature, responsible.

ep. driver's license req'd. Ed. Psych, background pre. Chtttf 2, U.

May 20-Sept. 1 possibly beyond. Generous soiory. 1 800-752-7740. NURSES AIDE wonted, experience helpful but not required.

We wtll trotn to core for man in vtheelchair, full or port time. Colt 481-3175 OFFICE CLERK Shorn indivi needed for A month assqnmt in Charteroi area. Duties include phones, O'E using lotus 1-2 3. lite typing, fax other qen office "duties. Pays 6thr.

Call ACCOUNTEMPS 471-5946 OFFICE CLE RK Good ha res. obie to use calcula tor Type. Mm age to siorr wtm a cnonce to oa vance. PRESS BOX G-081 OFFICE HELP front desk doto entry. Good references.

Coll 1-800-234-0883. OPTiClAN-must hove good soles skills minimum 3 years exp. Reply to P.O. Bon 6993, PA 15212 PAINTER wfruck, 10 years exp. South Hills 8353334.

PA INTERS-Experienced, needed immediately. 828 1200 PHOTO LAB TECH Color panting exp. req. FuH time canonsburg. 45-UoJo nnr.

uigmnoiaer PIZZA MAKER PT nights. Pub Pio Mt. Lebanon. 341-9099 bfwn 10 8 p.m. hr.

822-8240 PLUMBER Ep. Journeymen apprentice New repoir work. 821-6610 PLUMBFR-lournevmon willing to novel, truck a plus. Good pay benefits 798-9200 PLUMBING ESTIMATOR With cxpenence 798-9200 PREP COOKS-Dishwashers Laundry People. North hiiis restaurant.

VJ5-6566 PRfKPRESS Preparation Exp. only 362-4191 7om-5pm PRESS PERSON fcxo. Only Chief 17, 362-4191 7am-5pm PRESSER Full time. Experi enced. New plant wair cond.

imperial Cleaners, 703 Main Shorpsburg. PRODUCE helo wanied. no experience necessary. Apply K.enncay anop a. iave pro- auce aepi.

ian t-sis PROMORESERVATIONS daytime. Good pnone skhis requireo. Lou offer 9:30 a.m, 281-3130. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Assistant Site Manaaer for sib unn complex, wusi nove least 5 yrs exp in HUD suosiaiea propeny. soiary benefits.

Send resume to PRESSPG BOX G-135 REAL ESTATE AGENTS JOIN THE 1 TEAM Free 2-Doy Cram Review Superb Commission Plan National Accloimed Training 20 Local Offices-Best Areas New Home Warranty For educational Information cajl BUNNY PIJTS; 373-8870 CAREER SEMINARS 1 Fox Chapel 8. North Hills May 30th, 7:00 P.M. Barry Woolner, 931-9270 2. Eosi. City Greensburg Moy 29th, 7:00 P.M.

Phil Marcus, 373-8870 3. West Beaver County Moy 291h, 7:00 P.M. Pat Longiulli, 728-7500 South Washington Co. Moy 30th, 7:00 P.M. Dione Paul.

941-3600 REAL ESTATE CAREER Whatever Be Your Goal To get out of the rot To be your own To enjoy your You owe it to yourself, to investigate a real estate coreer. Call Roberta Peters for more information. 571-1000 WOLF ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE SALES WE EDUCATE OUR AGENTS Recruiting licensed and unli censed agents tor aM 8 loco- nons. rersonai sanstaciion with unlimited earning potential. Call Claire Dotinar 343-7400 FFV I REALTY, INC.

REAL ESTATE SALES Are you interested? Call Gail sninnq, Am-ji iv REAL ESTATE SALES TAKE ACTION ON A NEW CAREER If you're looking for a new career that affords you personal freedom and financial rewards, join the Prudential Preferred Realty team. To leorn more about a career in real estate vou are invited to attend a FREE career seminar on: WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 6.00 P.M. SHE RATON -Station Square Sealing is limited. To reserve your place contact ji.ioy t-xr. vui PressPG classified ads get results.


422-1000 tKTlCFOBEospT Inun, prkQ, pets. 372-7805 FSIENDSrtlP AREA Effcy, 1 2BR, 828-9420 Highlond PkyShdvsdOakland Immed, spacious 2 BR, w-w, laundry, security, bus at dr, prkg. S37S yp elc 661 8381 LAWRENCE spac, eq.kit., carp, 363-1033 A EN CEVILLE-4 rm excel, loc. $325 444 60'5 MORNINGSIOE Lrg. clean 2'-BR.

$375 utils. 788 4028 NORTH NEGLEY-1BR. fully eq. May rent free for gual. tenont $325 elec.

371-3853 NORTH OAKLAND Walk to Pitt, CMU, hosps. Huge, Newly Renovated Parking Available Ask about yr leose special Studio $369 elec. 1 BR from $497 elec. 2 BR trom $697 elec. 422-2300 NORTH OAKLAND IDEAL LOCATION 1-2BR apts, 1 bath, eqjip, kit, elevator, security bldg.

SCHENLEY HOUSE 632-2597 OAKLAND ATTENTION' STUDENTS Large 1 2 BR's new to ine marnei! Large Closets, new appliances, great loco-tion! From $610. Call 683-8683 for details. OAKLAND BR, ww, heot inc. June 422-1000 OAKLAND IB eq. kite.

SJ25 el. 4BI-IIUU, BJI-l52tl OAKLAND 18R. eq kit, aisnwaryer. $435 "35-v4'b OAKLAND 1-2 BR, $300 $450. 421-2482 OAKLAND.


1ST. OCCUP CALL JOAN 682-8116 OR MARTY, 884-2700. PRUDENTIAL REALTY CO. 261-6500 OAKLANDSHADYSIDE Fabulous apt. available in Pah's, most exclusive set ting.

Located in the heart of excitement, features Include two full baths, new kitchen amenities, tremendous closet space and indoor parking. hrom svivmo. loh 6HJ-H6HJ for details! PT. BREEZE 3BR 2 baths. w-w, eauip, kit, LBFP, VS75 gas elec, Z42-08vs PT.

BREEZE Spac. 3BR-fireplace's, hardwd. floors, AC $600-. 242-2617 SHADYSIDF OAKLAND AREA CENTRE PLAZA APARTMENTS 2 3 BEDROOMS. Fully Equipped kit.

Minutes from univMosp. inaoar porrung WW carpeting. 681-6820 SHADYSIOE Affordable-newly renovl Transportation ot door Indoor parking ovnilable Studio, $369 electric 1 BR, from $429 elec. 2 BR from $539 4 elec. 422-2300 SHADYSIDE FIFTH AVE 1 BR, $395 Eq kit, w.

Sec. bldg 687 1219 SHADYSIDE NEGLEY COURT APTS. Effcy. Apt. $300 elec 1 bn apis.

SJ63-1JV5 eiec. Intercom. Avail. Immed. For appl.

call 362-8592. Modern effic. 1 BR's. AC, w-w, drapery liners, intercom, sunaeck. gor.

avail, on busway. $390 $485 Incl. utils. CoU363-2800 or 261-3300 sTWt5vsT61'TT-l 6 Bale, dishwasher. 421-8579 SHADYSIDE -1 BR, oc, DW, Indry, 422-7212 SHADYSIDE I BR-28R3BR, LBFP, $350 $550.

Short or long Shaovs'idT3br 2" both," oft st prkg $640 inc hi 443-0083 SHADYSIDE Amberson pka Luxury 1-2 BRs. 681-9870 SHADYSIDEFRIENDSHIP EFFIC, 1 2 BR 661-6622 SHADYSOEHIGHLAfiD PARK 1,2 3 BR. Lndry. PjngappLJJo 1 033 SHADYSIDEN. OAKLAND 1 BR, 3rd.

cpt, sec. locks, intercom, Indry, bus stop, $325 hem incl.621 -8032; 362-1305. Shb'ysi(jfklondHigh Park Effcy, 1-2-3 Bedrooms modern eq kit ww 621-0636 SH ADYsTMeoveour new apt NALCO 682-7000. SO. HII.L-1 BR, 2BR, $475 heat inc 422 1000 SO HILL-opt pets, June.

$310. 421-8585 SO. HILL-BEACON ST.,lst.,6T. $323 el Soniel-Elkind Agcy.

683-5700 SQHiLL-tge. Tbr7w7w, eq. kit. 281-7946, 5216087 WILKINSBURGEDGEWOOD 2BR. Sect.

8 OK. $350 util. No pets. 731-5696, 4-6PM 200 So. Hills Apts -Rent BALDWIN START SAVING FOR THAT NEW HOME THE KNOLLS APTS.

1,2 3 BEDROOMS AVAIL ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 892-2020 BALDWINPLEASANT Hills MAKE' THE RIGHT MOVE' $99 security deooslt 1, 2 3 bedroom Pets accepted Heot. water, gas included CLOVERLEAF VILLAGE 655-3647 BALDWIN-WHITEHALL city elegance-countryselting newly renovated, spacious transportation at door $99 security deposit 1 BR, $429, electric 422-2300 or 343-2272 BETHEL PARK-LIBRARY City elegance-country setting Newly Renovated Apts, Transportation at door $99 security deposit 1 BR. from $389 elec. 2 BR, from $469 elec. 422-2300, 343-2272 BETHEL PARK-Renting now for June July.

Mod. 1 8r 2BR apts. 2 8, 3 BR townhouses, fully AC, equi, full heat Incl. Coll 835-7999. West Point Realty BRENTWOOD 1BR $250-315 2BR $365 S99 Security Deposit WW Carpet Remod Kit Bath 881-6434 BRENTWOOD Woods-like setting.

Studio S260; I BR S300-H5; 2BR $445. WW corpet, eq. kit. 881-0410 BRENTWOOD TOWNE APTS, NEWLY REMODELED 1 BEDROOM New ww-select your color I Private entrance Puiiy equipped kitchen Laundry Facilities Close to bus line I STARING AT S3" 9 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES FREE GARAGE! 431-1313 1 Weekdays Saturday 10-2 p.m. I Evenings by appointment BRltfSfVILLE-Furnunfurn.

Longshort term lease. 1 or BR, sec, prkng. 501 up Inc. util. 854-1115 ijCO 2BR Townhomes.

avail immed. Featuring garage basem*nt private yard. AAA Credit req 881-6479 Mc Kinney-Ringhom Realty Co 242 5390 CARRICK-t BR, carpet. CASf Lfr SHANNON 1 R. $350.

incl. beat Avott. May 20. Rick, 563-3847; 776-6111. CENTURY III AREA-lun.

1 2 BR townhms. w. eqp kit, dropes, lofts, skylites, pool, tennis. $460 up off 1st months rent. Call 384-4705.

DORMONT 4 rms ins. wind $240 G8.E. 344-8093 GREEN TREE Enioy country living city conveniences. Avail, immea. 1BR Apts.

storting at $445. CARRIAGE PARK APTS. 343-6336 GREEN TREE ARFA HYLAND HILLS APTS Efficiencies $340 I BR. from $405 2BR. from $470 3BR, 1595 921-4416 NOBLE MANOR GREEN TREECRAFTON 6 Minutes Downtown 99 Security Deposit Covered Park.

Avail 921-4146 GREEN TREE SCOTT BEST VALUE IN SOUTH HILLS 1.2.3BR APTS TH'S FROM $495 INCL. GAS HEAT HW Very Popular Social Atmosphere Peacelul, Wooded setting 10 mm. to dwntn Pgh. New kit incl. new opolionces microwave vertical blinds avail.

WW carp. central 'C Swim Pool Deck Executive Fitness Center FIRST MO. FREE 1 2 BR APTS. ONLY GREENBRIAR VILLAGE 563-1511 Forsythe Greentree Rd GREENTREE AREA Fobulous 1 8, 2 BR aot available. Features include pool, new kit, WW, AC.

socio! room and indoor park ing. Only minutes to Karnway west, iv fl, Downtown Pgh. Storting at $535. Ask about special offer! Call 26-5544 Mt LEB-2BR, gor, $450 ay e. No pets.

561-1649 MT. LEBANON Attractive-Affordable $99 Security Deposit Efficiency $295 electric 1 BR, $389 electric 2 BR. $449 electric 422-W2 or 343-2272 MT, BAN ION A I A Simply the best! Huge 2 BR, 1'? bath Elevator-Indoor poolsouna Indoor parking, party room 1 BR $510 ufils. 2 BR, $590 utils 422-2300 or 343 2272 LE BTge-1 RTst? dio. Priv.

sec. 344-9151 MT WASHlovelTBRreal' in kit, Ibtp, DR, porch, qar. no pets. $500 -ge. 561-1649 SOUTH PARK SQUIRES MANOR APTS.

Luxury I 8, 2 BR's. $4.59 $559 including gas heat, hot water, fully equip, ww carpet, pool. Short term teases 8, furn'd. units nvoit. Fully furn'd.

corporate suites. 7000 Squires Manor Lone (Rt. 88 to South Pork, Corri-gan turn right onto Brownsville Rood, v. mile turn lelt on Wallace Road). Mon.

-Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9 5, Sat. 11-4 835-1600 SOUTH SIDE-1 BR, $275 loundry. 621-4344.

SOUTH SID 2B 325 Bus at door. 279-9175 South Side-E. Carson St. 5 min Downtown, 2nd fir. 3BR.

bath, loun. $.190 elec. No pets, June 1. 381-6630 HOME SI ('AO 2 6 $325 ht. 4i2 4502 THE AS TngTON I AN 2BR, avail, from $445 incl.

util. Eq.kit., ww 8, more. Coll Moryann, 833 8679. West Point 205 West Suburban Apts. Rent AIRPORT AREA THE POLO CLUB Area's Newest Apts.

Fully Equipped Kit. In Suite WosherDrycfr Woodburning Fireplace Balcony Large Storage Gas Heot Deluxe Clubhouse 74 hr. Moint. Service 1 2 bodrms trom $565 269-1303 AIRPORT AREA DON'T PASS UP THIS DEAL! Cioset Apt, Community to Greater Pqh. Airport Shuttle Service to Airport Avail.

Newly renovated opts, include new kitchens Pool Sundeck Large Fitness Center Visitors Receive Free Gifts 1 2 BR FROM $390 GAS HEAT HW INCL. FIRST MO. FREE! COLONY WEST 262-4310 Broadhead Rd Behind West Hills Shopping Center Thorn AIRPORT AREA Thorn Run Apts. Stortinq At Only S450. One, two and three bedrooms in on exclusive-country setting.

Where Caring Makes A Difference 264-888. Furnished available Open 7 Days A Week ATR PORTA A-1 ww, AC, eq kit, drapes, Sr. Cit. welcome. 262-2347, 941 8319.


PRUDENTIAL REALTY CO. 261-6500 AIRPORT ARE A -MOON STARTING OUT? STARTING OVER? 1BR unfurnishedfurnished Single story Private entrance patio Washerdryer hookups Flexible leoses Pets allowed WHEELCHAIR ACCESS Beautiful Country Setting TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING NORTHRUP CT. 262-2955 AIRPORT AREA-TWIN OAKS MANOR 1 BR $425. INCLS. HEAT, POOU TEN NIS, W'W LAKPt I RUDENTIAL Ht AL I tU.

261-6500 BEAVER CO-SUNNYHILL I 1 ft. QDt optional CA. CARNEGIE 1 2BR. Re-mod. Sec.8 OK.

344-9151 RAF TON AREA 1 JBR, r-q. nil, Tvm, uir i-JJ-t4t3 inCUorS ncut. oji-ncmi, CRAFTON INGRAM Apt bldg. Eff $290; 1 BR $360; 2BR $390. No pets.

921-7405 CRAFTON 1 BR, kit, nr Dus, inunn, sec. ioch, no peis, $316 heat Incl 928-8860 Thornton Temporary Service TOO SERVICES Needs Word Proc. 391-7500 WE NEED HELP! PT.FT positions. J5-J8 hour. Poid tnnning.

Coll 471-1873. 031 Part-Time Help UinnnDT DKCCMPCQ Cwr CCD Weekends at Greater Pitt Must pass 5 yr background check physical. Non-smok-ina onsition. Assertive good people. $7 hr, poid customer servicing, lining.

Plant Warehouse, Liberty 38th. St. (Bloomfield) 035 Health Care A 1 Tfc NDAN T-For Quadro-pledgic, Exper nec. 466-8279 CLInTcaU ASST. -For cardial-ogist.

Cardiac skills helpful, but not nec. Mature, ener-aetic. will train. Shadvside nrea. Competitive salary benefits, immeo.

bena re sume to: Press Box G-239 DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time. OaklandSo. Hills periodontist. Exp. preferred.

Will train. Soiory neno. Send resume: PRESS BOX G-140 DENTAL ASSISTANT Full lime. Downtown. X-Ray certified.

Call 281-7330 DENTAL ASST-E. McKees-port office, fullpart-time. Expenence nec. 829 221 2. DENTAL ASST-Exd ray.

I full-time. Call 782 2101 DENTAL HYGIENIST-So. Hills area. 16-20 hours week SI 5 hour tor experience. Reply: Press Box DE'iiTAL-hYGlENISt Outstanding Opportunity.

Excellent salary, benefits, hours. Full-time 4-dqy work week. Airport area. Enthusiastic teom player will score here. Coll Carol, 788-6300.

DENTAL HYGIENIST seeking full time hygienist, 30-40 week, evening hrs, benefits tor large group practice Send resume to: Plaza Dental 702 W. 34th Erie, PA 16508. For any additional info: 814-868-5411. RECEPTIONIST Green Tree office. Dental computer background.

Fulltime. Send resume to: PRESS BOX 945 DENTUREPARTIAL TECH. Full time. Salary benefits. 372-5850 or 327-1513.

LABORATORY MANAGER ClinLnb, a successful growing independent laboratory, has an opening for Laboratory Mgr. Candidate must be ASCP reaistered or eauivolent with min. of 6 yrs. exper. Must have excel, people skills must have previous management exper.

Advanced degree preferred. Com petti ve soiory, excel, benefits. Qualified candidates submit CV w3 references to: MEDICAL DIRECTOR P.O. Box 4260 Youngsfown, OH 44515 LraTRDMclDlMT Pa. licensed, full-time, Oakland area.

Apply in person 3407 Forbes Ave. Sera-Tec Biologicats. MEDICAL ASST. -For office. Frontbock ofc.

duties. Organizational skills flexibility reg. Will train. Shady-side. Salary open, immed.

Resume to Press Box G-340. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Part time. Pgh office, 2-3 dayswk. 3 5 yrs exp in all phases of front office duties. Call 2B8-0885 for interview.

MEDICAL SECRETARY Translation (60 WPM). medical terminology exp. req. xcl, salary fringe benefits. Press Box G-216 MEDICAL SECRETARY Full time, immediate.

Call Janet 9-3 ot 682-2691 NURSE AIDES Live in 2-5 days. Car preferred but not essential. 561-7201; 561-7909 OPTICIAN Immed. opening tor full part time sales people, Exp. helpful, but will Train right person.

Salary comm. Apply: J. C. Penney Optical, Ross Park Mall PHARMACY MANAGER GPS Healthcare, a unique, progressive, PA based company, is lookinq for a self-motivated- problem solving pharmacist to manage oh inhouse nursing home pharmacy in the Pittsburgh area. Lonq term care experience preferred.

Send resume with salary history to Gniato-vich, 4802 Pittsburgh Erie. PA 16509 or call (814) 635-7238. E.O.E. phVsTcal THERAPY AS-SISTfor associates degree to work in acute care hospital. Contact Paul Rockar of RMA of Pgh.

at 636-5090 PHYSICIAN PRIMARY CARE Busy So. Hills practice seeks FT BO BE physcian w- part-nershtp interest, Compefitive salary, benefits incentives. Send C.V.: 2413 Lylle Rd, Bethel Pork, PA 15102 ECEpTlONISf Full time for chiropractic office. Computer experience req'd. Send resume to- Corcetti Chnit, 1791 Golden Mile Monroeville, PA 15146.


REAL ESTATE-N. Hills Educotlon. Murray, 367-5002 REATESTATES "SALESF. End Area. Hanley, 422-7900 RECEPTIONISTSecretarv Entry tvDino, filtna phone skills req'd, V34-0720 Restaurant SERVERS, BUS BOYS, HOSTS HOST ESSES, LINE COOKS PT BARTENDER S-Pormer applicants need not apply.

Apply Mon-Thurs. pmopm. oronaview saioon. Restaurant NOW OPENING AT THE NORTH HILLS VILLAGE MALL APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL BAR HIRING ALL POSITIONS APPLY IN PERSON Inside the Mall at the Hill's Entrance. Mon-f-ri.

9-5. RETAIL MANAGEMENT Jim Chuck's Boot Shops has immediate openings tor aiore fwonoger. uuannea candidate win possess two years experience in related footwear or retail industry. Call 221-8440 for interview. RETAIL MERCHINOISER SERVICE REP Inventory 8, service various tines of prod ucts in 4 Home Center Mores, once every i wks, Duties Incl Inventory, Reorders, Sertina checkina dis plays, etc.

Reply to: Walter rener 4uut wmer ko Wilmington, DE 19802 in clude your phone number. ROOFERSiding Mech.Car-penter323-0709. ROOFERS-Must beexpU Call 682-0345 leave msg, ROOFING FbremanEPTM modified. Need quality worker who wants to make a difference. Must be dependable, have valid drivers lie.

Strohm Roofing, 963-8822 SALES, PACKAGING, COLLECTIONS People eager to earn $200 to J700 week. No H.S, diploma or exp. needed. Are you on welfare, in a 12-slep recovery program, under doctor's core for phycial or emotional help, then call us at 471-6502, ask for Diane. Secretory ADMIN ASSISTANT $20,000 Review reports, Word Perfect and pnoritije administrative procedures.

Poid fringes include family, college tuition, and free parking' Call 281-6263 or write to 5th Floor Frick Empl. Agcy. SECRETARY Perm PT, M-F. $5hour. Serious inquiries, opply 509 Washington Rd, 15228, between l-3pm ONLY SECRETARY 2-daysweek.

Computer exper. 922-3013 SECRETARY-Previous office computer exp. HVAC exp. helpful. Call Arendosh Heating 371-1973, 10 2 pm.

SECRETARY typing, tiling, phone. Sq. Hill. 442-4575. fETRTtXRWODRCT CESSOR S.

Hills, full time avail. June 1, strong WordPerfect Lotus 1-2-3, good writing skills 8. shorthand competitive salary benefits. Send resume 8. salary requirements to: P.O.

Box 11637, PA 15228. SECURITY GUARDS Port time FT, Robinson Twp. area. 787-7682 SECURITY GUARDS-Cleon record. Toklng applicotions now.

i.aii i-ouu -J4-UBJ. secuWtyofficers summer positions available for college students Full part time positions available in Pgh. surrounding areas. Flexible schedules, no experience necessary. Coreer opportunities available Apply Mon- oay-rnooy vam-4pm Allied Sec*nty Inc.

2840 Library Pd. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 EOE SERVICE STATION ATTE1 South Hills area, attendants needed for all shifts, open 24 hours. Reply to P.O. Box yuj, ko SERVICE WRITER HONDA MOTORCYCLES To assist Service Monager in daily operations. 431-5678 apery work room, fullpart time.

922 1132 SEWING MACH. machine exper. 361-8101 SUPERMARKET HELP Produce Mgr, Bakery Mqr, Part Time Meot Cutter, FT Dairy Mgr, Grocery Deli Bakery Clerks. Progres sive West Hills supermarket TELEMARKETER Earn monev in your soore time. Call from your home.

Hourly rare oonus. tan Mi-eeii Telemarketing APPOINTMENT SETTER Set good supply of leads. Hourly comm. 30 yr com-Danv. Airport area.

PT, weekday eves Sat early. LoniocT uave TEL WDNi ESO UC it "6 Steady. Ms. Star, 373-1307 TELETYPE OPERATOR Brokeroae Firm Salary plus bonus, ail benefits. Must have expenence.

261-0225 TELLERS Full time port time Tellers needed immediately for Downtown suburban branches, We need high energy customer service professionals with soles experience to conduct all customer transactions cross-sell other services accounts. Competitive salary incentive plan included. Please send your resume (no phone colls please) to Landmark Savings Association, Employment Coordinator, 335 Fifth Avenue, Pgh, PA 15222 EOE WUFHV TRAVEL AGENT ARC agency or airline exper. only, 1 full yr. ticketing within 3 years.

Managerowner Opportunities. Reply to P.O. 71, Pgh, PA 15239. TRE TulTlime" must be eip'd hove dependable 942-022. ti6 'CLIMBER mln 3 yrs top wages, henllh benefits.

Reply to: P.O. Box 1I1233, PA 15238. RUCKRTvR-mustave Class 3 license. Construction, tontlem ond trl-oxle experience necessary, 221-6008 The honest buys In todoy's Press ond PG are In the want oos. SUMMER JOBS Now available.

Part-time or full. Earn $100 $400 per week selling newspa-pers over the telephone. No experience necessary. Three convenient shifts a day. In South Hills, call Michele at 561-3442; in Monroeville, Kelly at 856-6058.

EOE Restaurant -J 1 Commercial Real Estate Full-Time Part-Time YoulleniovwcrtinqaiOWCountryBuffet You'll like out family atmosphere, good working conditions and the many friendly people we serve. We take pride in our hCTne-styte cooking, pleasant service and remarkable buffet selection and so will you. Our schedules arellaxible We have lull and part-lime openings now These positions are available Caehier HoetHoefeu Line Attendant Dining Room Attendant Btverege Server FIND QUIET SECLUSION IN THE HEART OF MONROEVILLE 382 Ottice. Desk Space 384 Business Prop -Rent AIRPORT CORRIDOR 2200 MT. LEB Comm.

8,, 2nd. sq. ft. in Campbells Run flr.ofc. retoil.

344-9151 Business Ctr. Easy access. ruVvTTT-T 78lie67or eves84-8087 JK TWP. space 5 PoHic7sR' Lowest PruMORO-At BETHEL PK-Rt 88, Office suites. 550 sf $350., or iioo 386 Indust.

Sf $695 i utils. 835-5929 DOWNTOWN-office space sVoviln0 for attorney, 3 rooms, library, lann-1 S.F. 422-9900 390 Invest. Prop-Sale PLUM BORO-1 000-4000 SF $5.50 SF, porking. 793-5661 CH6SWICK BlOg.

2 offices, SOUTH HILLS VILLAGE AoPrh9' AREA-2nd llr, 650 SF office, 274-7744, oh 7, 767-4669 $650mo. incl. oil util. CHESWICK Theoler bidg. 635-7562 containing 2 theaters, 1 SOUTH HILLS-New Office! 391 Industrial Prop-Sale COAL CENTER PA NEW STEEL BUILDING 384 Business Prop -Rent 70 100 16', hos 4" roof insjiafion, 2" sidewall, 3-9x9' CORAOPOLIS 960 sq.

ft. 1-12x12' gutters 8, spoutSi warehouse on Beers dr. opening 14x14'. 239-2563 Rd, easy access. Immediate occup.

$425 month. 824-6H9 400 Comm Prop -Sale SHhoEartTEorDsTArnsp 'Ted 8, RT. 51 INTERSEC 39 hnv off loe "fencld acres of Cleared 466 uJ. 678 ilifi'3 ine comm'l around wbrlck lotl466-3232, 678-9802 Joe bungolQW wufils, 483.J05 MCNEILLY RD, Comm. Ga- iauiTgArrnwii- lAin' mnn 1A1 nr SA1 1 1 A MILLVA Lfc OttlCe WarC 'iltljgPLj6' 1 54 house.

2 offices 3200 McNEILLY RD. S'orerooms, sq.ft. warehouse space. 343-4300 or 561-1 154 $68,000. Call 821-8111 8-4.

Our full-limeemp)oyees receive participating health benefits and paid vacations. Salary commensurate withexoerience.Weoftertreepersonal meals WeoS' tieve inpromoting trom within our company. There excellent opportunity for advancement If you are energetic, responsible and enioy working with people, we invite vou to apdy in person Mon Fn 9m-5pm or Sat 9arn-3-pm at OLD COUNTRY BUf FET. Great Southern Sbopping Ctft. let, Route 50, Washington Pike, Suite It, Bndgevilie, PA 1501 7.

III Is L. H' VILLAGE 'jj "A Minute from the Mall" ZBD Apts. Available Pool-Sauna Party free Gas Heal Cable TV Wall lo Wan Carpeting fully Equipped kitchen GARAGES available 373-2973 3930 Monroeville Blvd. Equal Opportunity Employ'.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.